Classroom Training – Rebuttals


This portion of the script handles the two most common objections we receive during the closing portion of the presentation:

  1. “I already have insurance.”
    • It is important to expose the need for coverage if the existing coverage does not meet the client’s needs based on the Needs Analysis you performed earlier in the presentation.
  2. “I need to think about it.”
    • Always make sure your client understands what you are showing them. Remember, this is a needs-based sale!

Flash Cards

Mouseover or click the card to reveal the script text on the back.

I already have insurance.

I already have insurance.

Yes, you do have insurance, and the needs analysis has already taken that into consideration. Simply put, what you have is good, but it’s just not enough to cover your needs.

It’s better for you to do something about it now while you still can, rather than when it’s too late. The good news is that you still have two options!

Which option works best for you?

I need to think about it.

I need to think about it.

Yes, you do need to think about it. It’s a big decision for you and your family! Fortunately, I help families think about it every day.

It usually comes down to one or two things, do I need this?”, or can I afford it?”.

Now, we just talked about how you see the importance of having your final expenses covered, your income protected, your mortgage protected, and the ability to send your kids to college taken care of. You told me you saw those as absolutely important, so you don’t really need to think about that.

Really, it just comes down to affordability.

Now, I don’t pretend to know anyone’s financial situation, but let me ask you a question. What do you think will have a bigger impact on your family? Having this much money in the bank? Or having these needs taken care of?

Either way, the important thing is to get started today. The good news is that you have two options. So, if option one is too much, you can always start with option two and increase it later.

Which option works best for you?

Phase Four Script Readings

Yes, you do have insurance, and the needs analysis has already taken that into consideration. Simply put, what you have is good, but it’s just not enough to cover your needs.

It’s better for you to do something about it now while you still can, rather than when it’s too late. The good news is that you still have two options!

Which option works best for you?

Yes, you do need to think about it. It’s a big decision for you and your family! Fortunately, I help families think about it every day.

It usually comes down to one or two things, do I need this?”, or can I afford it?”.

Now, we just talked about how you see the importance of having your final expenses covered, your income protected, your mortgage protected, and the ability to send your kids to college taken care of. You told me you saw those as absolutely important, so you don’t really need to think about that.

Really, it just comes down to affordability.

Now, I don’t pretend to know anyone’s financial situation, but let me ask you a question. What do you think will have a bigger impact on your family? Having this much money in the bank? Or having these needs taken care of?

Either way, the important thing is to get started today. The good news is that you have two options. So, if option one is too much, you can always start with option two and increase it later.

Which option works best for you?

    Rebuttals Quiz

    1. What are the two most common objections an agent encounters in the field?

    2. In your own words, without looking at the script, type up the two rebuttal scripts used to overcome the most common client objections:

    "I already have insurance."

    "I need to think about it."

    Please add your name and email below before submitting your answers!